Email: admin@clarkefoley.org.uk
Website: https://www.clarkefoley.org.uk/
Tel: 01943 607016
Mobile: 07906 992771
Clarke Foley is a registered charity operating as a private company limited by guarantee. At the Centre we provide a wide range of activities for various ages. We run a wide range of physical and intellectual classes and a twice weekly luncheon club for people over 70. Income comes from the coffee bar serving snacks, lunches, homemade cakes, etc, and from letting meeting rooms. Many of Ilkley’s clubs and societies meet regularly at Clarke Foley. We also provide various organisations for weekly, monthly and annual events.
We have a Centre Manager, two part-time Administrators, a Catering Manager working alongside two part-time Catering Managers, and several part time workers and Saturday staff. A friendly and helpful caretaker (one full-time, two part-time) is on duty whenever the building is occupied. The Directors delegate daily management to the Centre Manager.